Presenting the Nice Things in Life
It's a fun, interactive, discussion based program that's built to last.
Celebrating diversity and equality through an incredibly positive presentation.
Most every elementary, middle, or high school has some form of character program or practice in place. BNICE with Chris French is not meant to be a new program or replacement as much as it can be an enhancement and reminder to the kids of your already existing efforts. BNICE with Chris French not only provides a simple and impactful message that teaches cultural sensitivity, tolerance, empathy and inclusion, but the interactive and discussion based aspects of the program help the kids learn something special that will last. Two words: EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION
We live in a world where "anti-bullying" programs are in abundance as a lot of schools concentrate on "fixing the negative". Studies show that focusing on being “pro-friend” is far more effective. We shouldn't be about "anti-bullying", we should be about "pro-friend". BNICE with Chris French focuses on the positives of building and keeping healthy relationships by improving one's sense of empathy. It also targets being nice to oneself and improving self-esteem through storytelling and relatable examples. For the young children K-3, we offer a fun and engaging music and movement program while the older kids 4-9, get a more in-depth experience of hands on activities that inspire their critical thinking.
High school students will gain a better understanding of the vital skills necessary to be LIFE READY. From stress management and finding a balance to utilizing proper communication techniques and understanding the significance of positive and negative digital footprints. Multiple presentations can be offered to best suit your schools specific needs.
Students learn more from DOING than from HEARING. Character needs to be treated like any other physical exercise program, diet or education of the mind. BNICE with Chris French is the daily exercise that the soul needs to survive and be healthy. By taking action on the positive, your school will become the agent of change in a trend that's already started to head that way.
BNICE understands that cultural sensitivity is being aware that cultural differences and similarities between people exist without assigning them a value – positive or negative, better or worse, right or wrong. It simply means that you are aware that people are not all the same and that you recognize that your culture is no better than any other culture.
Catalysts of Change
Multiple speaking options are available for your school. In the workshops, middle and high school students get to stand up and participate. This social-justice and inclusion based presentation focuses on our perceptions of others and how we as a society tend to judge other people. It centers on the understanding of true empathy and how we can learn to perform everyday "acts of niceness" to ourselves and to others. Other options include a keynote experience where Chris will present for the entire grade class or school in an engaging way that will not only hold their attention, but give them global take aways that keep the students inspired.
Chris gets the message across through his storytelling, humor, and by allowing the students to participate in solid activities and discussion topics on situations that they face everyday. His presentation topics range from stress management and effective communication to goal setting and understanding the significance of one's digital footprint and dangers teens face these days.

Learning Through Doing
Older elementary students will appreciate this presentation. The program is fun and captivating, and they will enjoy the level of respect given to them as the "older graders". They will also have the opportunity to interact and to share their thoughts on real life situations as we talk about the many differences between right and wrong. Students will also participate in fun activities that have deep purpose and a message of compassion that will help them as they approach middle school.
Music with Meaning
HEY NOW, It's time for some music! Children K-3 will reap the benefits from not only a positive message that they can understand and take home, but these lucky kids also get music to boot. In addition to being a professional speaker, Chris is a children's musician. BNICE is designed to be simple. Have you ever been told to "be nice"? Have you ever tried explaining some sort of life lesson and ended it with "be nice"?...of course you have. We all have. The term is so fundamentally basic and simple. However, within those easy words lies the secrets of many of life's dilemmas. BNICE creates awareness of the many ways that one can BNICE to oneself and to others.
The video represents some freeze dancing, but with engaging purpose.
It's the Little Things
Sure, the park clean-ups and the donating of clothes and supplies to the needy are very important. I'm glad we live in a world where this happens. So although BNICE is certainly about the big acts of niceness, it's MORE about the little things. What can we do every day to keep us on the right path and stay morally aware? It's the little things, the small acts of kindness, that help us to strengthen our character. The positive little things that we can do every day will eventually help us to better handle the big things when they come...and there will always be the "big things". There will always be negative people and bad influences streaming through the course of our lives. There will always be situations which might seem impossible to overcome and deal with. BNICE is by no means THE solution to every problem, but it is a proven way to help us to better handle situations with the kind of dignity and resolve of which a person of true character is capable.